Second Dr. Anji Reddy Memorial

Hyderabad, India; 18th March 2024 Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited (‘Dr. Reddy’s’) today hosted the second edition of the Dr. Anji Reddy Memorial Lecture, an annual lecture series instituted to honor the memory of the scientist, entrepreneur and philanthropist, Dr. K. Anji Reddy, on the eleventh anniversary of his passing.

With ‘Science, Society and Sustainability’ at its core, the lecture series was initiated by Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited and Dr. Reddy’s Institute of Life Sciences in 2023 to represent these key pillars of his life and legacy.

This year, the Dr. Anji Reddy Memorial Lecture was delivered by Nobel Laureate (Physiology or Medicine, 2009), Professor Jack W. Szostakon’s ‘RNA and the Origin of Life’. Prof.Szostak began by expressing his admiration for Dr. Anji Reddy’s passion for science and his ability to blend it with business for societal impact. He also acknowledged the importance of the newly established Center for Rare Disease Models (CRDM) at the Dr. Reddy’s Institute of Life Sciences (DRILS) in Hyderabad, which he inaugurated yesterday. The Center aims to bring academia, clinics and industry together to develop research models to understand rare diseases better and explore potential approaches for therapies. In his lecture entitled ‘RNA and the Origin of Life,’ Professor Szostak highlighted the RNA molecule’s dual role as a villain, as seen in the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and a savior, as seen in the mRNA vaccine. He further discussed his lab’s current research on the transition from chemical to biological evolution on the planet Earth in its earliest days. This includes studying each step of the hypothesized evolutionary process, such as identifying the nature of monomers and the acquisition of self-replication capabilities, leading to the emergence of “primitive life”.

Padma Shri awardee in the field of Diabetology and the first Indian recipient of the Dr. Harold Rifkin Distinguished International Service in the Cause of Diabetes Award from the American Diabetes Association, Dr. V. Mohan, Chairman, Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre, shared memories of his work and friendship with Dr. Anji Reddy. Through anecdotes, Dr. Mohan described Dr. Anji Reddy as a loyal friend and a dreamer who thought big, his passion for science, and his unwavering focus on innovation, patients and society.

In his opening remarks, G.V. Prasad, Co-Chairman & Managing Director, Dr. Reddy, welcomed the distinguished speakers and guests at the event. He spoke aboutDr. Anji Reddy’s pioneering spirit which translated into the company’s efforts to be first to bring drugs to market for patients. Describing Dr. Anji Reddy as a leader who put planet and patients above profits, he pledged that as the company completes 40 years, it would re-dedicate itself advancing medicine for the betterment of society.

Delivering the closing remarks, Satish Reddy, Chairman, Dr. Reddy’s, underscored the importance of science and innovation in Dr. Anji Reddy’s life and work, and pointed to several new recent developments in pharmaceutical innovation as encouraging examples. Thanking the speakers and guests for their participation and their reminisces of Dr. Anji Reddy’s warmth, friendship, laughter and passion for science, he promised that the company would pursue it.Dr. Anji Reddy’s unfinished agenda of new drug discovery and taking it to market.