Flavors of Festivity

Conrad Pune is delighted to welcome you to a gourmet event unlike any other as the season of giving arrives. Celebrate Dussehra in style with “Dussehra Delights” – a culinary journey through India’s unique and delightful flavours.

Experience an exceptional buffet that showcases indigenous vegetarian delicacies from different regions of India. Our culinary experts have carefully crafted a lavish feast that will truly delight your taste buds. With an emphasis on regional vegetarian specialties, this extraordinary culinary journey will transport you to every corner of India, from the North’s rich and spicy dishes to the South’s fragrant and delicate flavors. Prepare for a mouthwatering adventure through the diverse and tantalizing tastes of our nation.

Celebration of vegetarian cuisine as we celebrate the best of India and its vegetarianism. Another showcasing part of the buffet would be the Khushiyan by Hilton Diwali mithai cart which is unique and the finest in the city of Pune

Step into an ambiance adorned with the colors and symbols of Dussehra. We’ve created a space that reflects the cultural richness and festive fervor of this auspicious occasion.

Experience the magic of live cooking stations where our chefs will whip up mouth-watering delicacies right before your eyes. Engage your senses as the aroma of freshly prepared dishes fills the air.

Immerse yourself in the cultural vibrancy of India with live performances showcasing traditional dance and music. Let the rhythmic beats and graceful movements transport you to the heart of the festivities.

Come join us for an enchanting celebration of Dussehra, where every bite is a tribute to the rich culinary heritage of our incredible nation. Let’s create memories together as we revel in the joyous spirit of this auspicious day.

We look forward to welcoming you to “Dussehra Delights”!