10th June 2024 is observed as Brain Tumour Day every year to raise awareness about brain tumors, their impact on patients and families, and the importance of research and support for those affected. GLOBOCAN 2020 data estimates 2,51,329 deaths due to brain and central nervous system tumors in India. However, this number might be an underestimate due to factors like limited access to healthcare facilities and lack of complete cancer reporting systems, especially in rural areas.

Dr. Manish Vaish, Senior Director of Neurosurgery at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Vaishali, emphasizes, “Brain tumors can be sneaky. Early signs often feel like everyday issues you might brush off. New or worsening headaches, especially those worse in the morning and accompanied by nausea, could be a red flag. Difficulty concentrating, speaking clearly, or understanding others might signal a problem. Watch for personality changes, weakness on one side of the body, or blurry vision. Even slight dizziness or balance issues shouldn’t be ignored. If you experience any of these symptoms persistently, don’t hesitate to see a doctor. Early detection of a brain tumor is crucial for a better chance of successful treatment. Remember, a little awareness can make a big difference.”

Dr. Yashpal Singh Bundela, Senior Consultant at Sushrut Brain and Spine, New Delhi, adds, “A brain tumor diagnosis can be scary, but early detection is key to a brighter future. The sooner you identify the tumor, the more treatment options become available. With early diagnosis, surgery can be more precise, minimizing side effects. Additionally, radiation and medication are often more effective when the tumor is smaller. While treatment can cause fatigue, weakness, or thinking changes, rehabilitation and support groups are there to help you manage them. You might need to adjust your daily routine or work, but open communication with loved ones and employers can ease the process. Remember, many people thrive after an early brain tumor diagnosis. By focusing on healthy habits, emotional well-being, and staying connected, you can continue to live a fulfilling life.”

Brain Tumour Day serves as a critical reminder of the importance of awareness, early detection, and support for those affected by brain tumors. By educating ourselves about the symptoms and seeking timely medical advice, we can improve outcomes and offer hope to many. Early intervention not only increases the chances of successful treatment but also helps patients maintain a better quality of life. Let us use this day to advocate for better healthcare access, support research initiatives, and extend our solidarity to those battling brain tumors. Together, we can make a significant difference in the fight against this devastating disease.