Noida, February 29th, 2024: IDEMIA India Foundation is delighted to announce the transformation of 3.8 acres of former industrial dumping grounds into a flourishing Biodiversity Park in Noida’s Phase 2, showcasing our steadfast commitment to environmental sustainability and community welfare. In collaboration with the Noida Authority and the Give Me Trees Foundation, our team has successfully planted 15,000 trees comprising over 70 diverse species, marking a significant milestone in enriching the ecological landscape of the region.

Previously tarnished by its industrial dumping yard history, the site presented daunting challenges, including deep-seated industrial chemicals and accumulated debris. Overcoming these obstacles required six months of dedicated efforts focused on meticulous cleaning, encompassing debris and plastic removal. Extensive soil rejuvenation efforts were also undertaken to ensure it could sustain a diverse range of flora and fauna.

The revitalization of this land was made possible through the generous investment of time and energy by IDEMIA employees, resulting in its transformation into a vibrant biodiversity sanctuary. Their dedication, coupled with collaborative endeavors from local authorities and the Give Me Trees team, has culminated in this remarkable achievement. Following the tree-planting initiative, participants indulged in a post-plantation nature walk, immersing themselves in the tranquil beauty of the park. Guided by environmental experts, attendees gained invaluable insights into the region’s rich biodiversity and the imperative of preserving natural habitats.

Matthew Foxton, India Regional President & Executive Vice-President, Branding & Communications, IDEMIA Group, expressed his gratitude, stating, “IDEMIA extends its appreciation to the Noida Authority for entrusting us as a corporate partner for the development of the Biodiversity Park. We are privileged to contribute to community well-being, firmly believing that promoting biodiversity conservation enhances the quality of life for both present and future generations.”

This initiative epitomizes IDEMIA’s holistic approach to corporate social responsibility, emphasizing initiatives that not only benefit the environment but also foster community engagement and promote sustainable development.