Marengo Asia Hospitals

Marengo Asia Hospitals Gurugram launched the Bone Marrow Transplant unit today to provide exceptional clinical excellence for patients in Gurugram and surrounding areas for bone-related diseases that have few options other than treatment with a bone marrow transplant. The team at the hospital leading the department is headed by Dr Meet Kumar, Clinical Director, Haematology & Bone Marrow Transplant, Marengo Asia Hospitals. He is supported by Dr Neeraj Teotia, Consultant- Pediatric Hemato-Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplant.

Marengo Asia Hospitals Gurugram has been consistently raising increased awareness and busting a few myths about blood-related disorders and the recent advancements made in the treatment of ailments. Highlighting the fact that hardly 10% of the population is aware of the symptoms and treatment modalities for blood-related ailments, the hospital has hosted several events to amplify the rising number of cases of blood-related diseases.

Dr Meet Kumar, Clinical Director, Haematology & Bone Marrow Transplant, Marengo Asia Hospitals Gurugram said “Blood disorders are one of the most fatal forms of cancer that severely impacts the quality of life. Raising awareness that these diseases can be permanently cured through Bone Marrow Transplant is crucial. With recent technological advancements, previously considered deadly blood disorders such as Acute Leukaemia, Multiple Myeloma, Aplastic Anaemia, Thalassemia Major, sickle cell disease, and various other cancers can now be successfully treated with Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) when conventional therapies like chemotherapy and radiotherapy fail.”

BMT is indicated for various conditions, including blood cancers, thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, immune deficiencies, aplastic anemia, certain autoimmune disorders, and, more recently, some solid Tumors such as brain tumors, neuroblastoma, and sarcomas. Common symptoms of blood disorders that require BMT include thalassaemic patients requiring monthly blood transfusions from the age of six months, aplastic anemia patients presenting with weakness, tiredness, persistent fever, or bleeding spots on the body, and blood cancer patients experiencing weakness, tiredness, increased infection risk, and bleeding.

With the progress in hematology and stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplants (BMT) have emerged as the ultimate life-saving remedy for even previously untreatable and potentially deadly conditions. The bone marrow plays a crucial role in blood cell production, and BMT involves the replacement of damaged or dysfunctional bone marrow with healthy cells. This procedure is broadly classified into two types: Allogenic, which utilizes a donor with compatible tissue, and Autologous, wherein the patient’s stem cells are used. Recent advancements have enabled the viability of haploidentical transplants, where successful transplantation is achievable even with a donor tissue match of just 50% or partial identity. Such innovations have significantly reduced the waiting time for many patients urgently requiring a BMT.

Dr. Raajiv Singhal, Managing Director & Group CEO, of Marengo Asia Hospitals said “As we inaugurate our Bone Marrow Transplant unit today, we embark on a journey of amplifying awareness regarding blood-related disorders and the advanced treatment modalities; a journey of hope, healing, and pioneering medical care; and to aid the common public with the right information and awareness. We reinforce our commitment to providing comprehensive healthcare solutions, pushing the boundaries to offer renewed hope to families battling bone marrow disorders. Through the advocacy of preventive measures/recognizing early symptoms and the dissemination of insights into modern and advanced treatment modalities, armed with super-specialized clinical excellence and skilled professionals, our mission encompasses mitigating the prevalence of this ailment.”

Neeta Rajwar, Facility Director, Marengo Asia Hospitals Gurugram said, “Marengo Asia Hospital remains resolutely committed to steering public health discourse through initiatives akin to this awareness assembly. By fortifying understanding and response to advanced treatment modalities to cure blood disorders, the hospital actively contributes to a more robust, enlightened, and resilient community, better equipped to counter the adversity of such deadly ailments.”

In India, approximately 2,500 to 3,000 Bone Marrow Transplants (BMT) are performed each year now in contrast to only 500, 3 years ago. However, the demand for BMT far exceeds the number of transplants being conducted. The scarcity is primarily due to a lack of awareness, inadequate infrastructure, and a shortage of skilled physicians. Bone Marrow Transplants (BMTs) are on a steady rise in India, with about 2,500 transplants being performed yearly unlike five years ago when it was less than 500. The number of BMT centers is increasing, and the rapid expansion of bone marrow transplant centers with enhanced infrastructure has been significant. This development has increased the accessibility of super-specialized clinical excellence and improved the efficiency of procedures with advanced techniques and technology.