Hyderabad/New Delhi,16th August 2023 With the objective of amplifying patient voices on a unified platform, the International Patients’ Union, a strategic business unit within Digital Health Associates, launches the Patients Union App on the iOS platform. The app offers disease-specific communities where patients can connect with others who are dealing with similar medical conditions, creating a platform for mutual support and the exchange of personal experiences. With 24/7 community access, users can stay connected at their convenience, seeking advice and sharing insights whenever they need them.

The app also provides access to a reliable repository of authentic medical resources, encompassing information about medical conditions, diseases, drugs, and medical devices. Notably, users can directly connect with prominent healthcare professionals and policy-makers, gaining valuable insights and guidance. The app also keeps users informed about government healthcare schemes designed to enhance healthcare access. Its user-friendly features include a voice-enabled interface for enhanced accessibility, while multilingual support eliminates language barriers and caters to a diverse global audience. Moreover, the app ensures maximum outreach by being available on both Android and iOS devices.

The Patients Union App is available free to patients and caregivers, promoting inclusivity and accessibility. The Patients Union App embodies the spirit of patient-centricity, embodying the belief that every patient deserves a voice in their healthcare decisions. For more information and to download the app, visit https://linktr.ee/patientsunion?fbclid=PAAaZ4JOZG4OvQTODuhxAYWSzN5hWxLOI8MD-dDj3mw_Dcnxs0mig-HzfK6u4

Talking about the launch of Patients Union App, Dr Rajendra Pratap Gupta, founder of Digital Health Associates, said, “We are thrilled to introduce the Patients Union App, a groundbreaking step towards empowering patients in their healthcare journey. By facilitating meaningful connections, knowledge sharing, and access to resources, we envision a future where patients actively participate in shaping their healthcare experiences. This platform will become the biggest disrupter in healthcare over the next three years.”

Healthcare is at an inflection point, with the next decade poised to bring transformative shifts. Amid this evolution, it is imperative to ensure that the voice of the most crucial stakeholder – the patients themselves – is heard and considered. The International Patients’ Union acknowledges the need for a patient-focused approach, where policies and programs are designed to enhance accessibility, affordability, and acceptability for patients around the world.

About International Patients’ Union:

The International Patients’ Union facilitates the connection of patients from across the country with leading doctors, policy-makers, regulators, industry leaders, and fellow patients. This provides them with a platform to express their opinions, participate in policy development, and exchange insights on managing their medical conditions effectively. Moreover, they can access reliable information about diseases and treatments to enhance their understanding.