1st March 2024: DPS Raj Nagar Extension hosted an enriching workshop, LEARNING PHYSICS THROUGH NATURE (LEPTON), aimed at elevating students’ comprehension of scientific concepts and fostering a hands-on learning environment. The workshop, held at the school’s auditorium, witnessed the active participation of over 100 students from classes 9th and 11th.

The workshop was organised by the Science department of the school and featured engaging activities and experiments, including hands-on experiments on waves and light principles, interactive video sessions, and a quiz to assess concept understanding. It was led by faculty members and supported by student volunteers and also benefited from the expertise of guest speakers Mrs. Pragya Nopani and Mrs. Smita Fangaria from the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT).

Ms. Pallavi Upadhyaya, Principal, DPS Raj Nagar Extension, expressed her enthusiasm, stating, “LEPTON provided our students with invaluable experiences, deepening their understanding of scientific principles. We are proud to host such initiatives that foster a culture of scientific understanding and innovation among our learners. The workshop garnered remarkable responses from participants, reflecting the success of the event in enhancing students’ learning experiences beyond traditional classroom settings.”

Such initiatives underscore the school’s commitment to providing holistic educational opportunities and nurturing a passion for science among its students.