Youth of India

Hyderabad, 4th March 2024 BJP Leader and former Member of Parliament Konda Vishweshwar Reddy, speaking at the Annual day celebrations of Vivekananda International School, Chevella, with the theme ‘Kalaakriti’, said, India boasts of a rich legacy of scientific knowledge, spanning several centuries, there is no truth in atom being discovered hundred or two hundred years ago in Europe, it was discovered several centuries ago by our Bharat. For various reasons, such a great nation has neglected this repository of scientific knowledge, we lost our scientific temper and because of foreign influence lost even our independence. Our progress resumed only after we gained independence, but the last decade made us revisit and reclaim our glorious past. Our Prime Minister Modi envisions elevating the nation to its rightful place among the heights of prosperity and success. Through his visionary strategies, meticulous planning, and effective governance, Modi aims to guide the nation to its deserved pinnacle of achievement. His mantra of ‘Nation first’ propelled the country from 10th to 5th position just in the last decade. In another two years, he can take our country to the 3rd position.

Generally, politicians limit their thoughts, plans, and programs till the next elections, but Modi is strategizing and visualising India’s growth trajectory for the next decade, two decades, and hundred years from now. In 2047 it will be 100 years since our independence and Modi wants to ensure our nation is number one by then. In 2047 we may get old and may not be active to take the nation forward, but the kids here will be at the forefront by then, in making our nation achieve those heights. As kids you have the responsibility to make the nation strong, to achieve that, first, you need to be healthy and strong, that is what ensures our future. You should educate yourself well, both your parents and teachers can lay that foundation, respect and listen to their advice.

All prominent multinational companies are today headed by Indians. The world is acknowledging our brilliance, but are we recognising our ability? We are ignoring our past and not equipping ourselves for the future. Therefore, we should continue to revere our culture, traditions, and Telugu language, while keeping pace with the developments in modern science and be able to articulate well in English. When we were young the emphasis was on knowledge, today the emphasis is on communication. One should cultivate the ability to confidently and clearly articulate our thoughts.