Transforming broken tiles

Gurugram, 29th April 2024 SOMANY Ceramics Ltd., a leading name in the ceramic industry, collaborated with K R Mangalam University on World Design Day, April 27th, 2024 on a project titled “Transforming Broken Tiles into Trendsetting Style,” this innovative initiative is aimed at promoting recycling of waste tiles into pieces of art and captivating murals, fostering a culture of sustainability while addressing waste reduction. Over 20 talented architecture students showcased their art and technical expertise in repurposing discarded tiles into breathtaking works of art, serving as a testament to their commitment to sustainability and innovation.

Anshuman Chakravarty, Head of Marketing at Somany Ceramics, expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration, “We are happy that future architects of India are having a passion for recycling and sustainability. We in Somany Ceramics have always been a pioneer in promoting sustainability in our products, infact our entire production of tile adhesive is done through waste tiles. We as citizens also need to sensitize our communities on reducing construction waste and debris and look for recycling and reuse. We are thankful to the K. R. Mangalam University management and students for partnering with us for this initiative and promoting the thought of artistic reuse of waste tile and supporting environment sustainabilityā€¯

We are collaborating with Somany Ceramics Ltd. on an art installation project to celebrate World Design Day. This collaboration provided students with a unique opportunity to apply their design skills in a real-world context. Through these tile art projects, students gained hands-on experience in sustainable design practices while making a positive impact on the environment said Dr. Tanaya Verma, Dean of the School of Architecture and Design at K.R. Mangalam University.

The SOMANY Ceramics and K R Mangalam University collaboration was a resounding ode to the power of partnerships in driving positive change. By utilizing the creativity and innovation of students, the initiative aimed to raise awareness about the importance of recycling and inspire future generations to become responsible stewards of the environment.