Shri Saket Dalmia, President PHDCCI extended a warm welcome to all the speakers and delegates. He highlighted that in a time where conventional investment options may encounter difficulties, Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) arise as a promising opportunity, transforming our perception and approach to wealth creation.

Shri B K Sabharwal, Chair, Capital Market and Commodity Market Committee moderated the session. While giving his address, he emphasized the significance of alternative investment funds as a representation of a fresh era in finance. He highlighted that by embracing the potential offered by these funds, we gain access to a realm of innovation, growth and diversification.

Shri Jayanth Ranganathan, Sr. Director, IIFL Securities Ltd. said that AIFs combines the operational ease of a mutual fund and the flexibility of a PMS making it a perfect blend geared for generating optimum performance for a stipulated investment objective. Additionally, he mentioned that the AIF industry in India is experiencing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 50%.

Shri Mohit Luthra, Asst Secretary General, PHDCCI extended a warm welcome to all the speakers and delegates and delivered the opening remarks.

Isha Gupta, Deputy VP, IIFL Securities Ltd delivered the vote of thanks to the speaker and the participants.