Mumbai, 14th November 2023: One Point One Solutions, leader in next-generation BPM services, has declared its financial results for the Quarter and Half Year ended September 30, 2023.

ParticularsQ2FY24Q2FY23YoY (%)H1FY24H1FY23YOY (%)
Total Income41.0134.9217.4579.7569.9713.97
EBITDAMargin(%)36.1724.771140 bps32.7924.69809 bps
PAT Margin (%)14.455.48898 bps10.985.29568 bps

Q2FY24 – Financial Highlights 

  • Total Income was at ₹ 41.01 crore, as compared to ₹ 34.92 crore in Q2FY23, registered a growth of 17.45%
  • EBITDA was at ₹ 14.83 crore, as compared to ₹ 8.65 crore in Q2FY23, registered a growth of 71.49%
  • EBITDA Margin was at 36.17%, increased from 24.77% in Q2FY23, grown by 1140 bps
  • Net Profit was at ₹ 5.93 crore, as compared to ₹ 1.91 crore in Q2FY23, grown by

3.10 times

H1FY24 – Financial Highlights

  • Total Income was at ₹ 79.75 crore, as compared to ₹ 69.97 crore in H1FY23, registered a growth of 13.97%
  • EBITDA was at ₹ 26.15 crore, as compared to ₹ 17.28 crore in H1FY23, registered a growth of 51.31%
  • EBITDA Margin was at 32.79%, increased from 24.69% in H1FY23, grown by 809 bps
  • Net Profit was at ₹ 8.75 crore, as compared to ₹ 3.70 crore in H1FY23, grown by 2.37 times

Operational Highlights

  • During the quarter the company has added new-age clients like Tata Digital and are expecting a higher volume from the client
  • Quarter has also experienced ramp up of business for two client’s Razorpay and Jubilant FoodWorks Ltd.
  • Company has added more clients during the quarter and the processes are expected to go live in Q3FY24
  • The average seat realisation for current quarter has improved by 5% as compared to previous quarter
  • Strengthens sales team by appointing two new leaders who have a strong sales leadership experience in BPO Industry. Their expertise in this regard will be crucial in positioning our organisation for success in a rapidly evolving marketplace.
  • During the quarter company has raised Rs.106.20 Crore by issuing warrants
  • US Business Update: Experienced a notable surge in market traction, driven by strategic initiatives in Account-Based Marketing (ABM) programs, robust digital marketing campaigns, and leveraging the expansive network of company’s dedicated sales teams. The digital marketing programs, have effectively amplified our brand visibility and engagement

Mr. Akshay Chhabra

Quote from the Management

Commenting on the Results, Mr. Akshay Chhabra, Managing Director said, “Delighted to declare peak performance during the quarter and this acts as a catalyst to maintain the pace for the entire year.

Happy to share that during the quarter we have added reputed corporates and leaders in their respective segments as a clients. This has really helped us to strengthen our fast growing segments like BFSI and Consumer segments.

The growth in the overall profits of the company would further improve as we expand in to international markets and start signing clients during the current year.

Our Account-Based Marketing programs have proven instrumental in targeting key accounts with personalized and impactful strategies, fostering meaningful connections with potential clients. The digital marketing programs, have effectively amplified our brand visibility and engagement. The combination of these efforts position One Point One for success in transitioning prospects from the early stage of suspicion to the crucial phase of qualifying prospects.

We are pleased with the positive movement we have witnessed in the market. We are confident in our ability to navigate this journey, moving our sales funnel towards a robust and qualified prospect base.”