As Mother’s Day approaches, NueGo, the pioneering ac electric bus brand by Greenwell Mobility, pays a heartfelt tribute to the remarkable women who seamlessly blend their roles as devoted mothers and dedicated professionals in the transportation industry. These supermoms are the driving force alongside NueGo’s mission to provide safe, eco-friendly, and comfortable travel experiences for all passengers.

From coach captains, cabin hosts, lounge assistants, customer experience all the way to our depot staff, these mothers extend their nurturing spirit to every NueGo guest, ensuring a warm and caring environment that transcends their journey. With their multitasking abilities, they effortlessly balance professional responsibilities and the well-being of their families, embodying the essence of unconditional love and unwavering commitment towards the guests as well.

Through this special Mother’s Day campaign, #MaaJaisaCare NueGo shines a spotlight upon all the extraordinary mothers, by sharing inspiring stories and acknowledging the invaluable contributions #MothersOfNueGo make to the sustainable mobility sector and their communities.