In 2019, a young filmmaker named Utkarsh K. Nemade embarked on a journey to fulfill his cinematic dreams. Little did he know that his vision would give birth to MOHRAN’s Productions, a company that would redefine the landscape of film production and distribution. As MOHRAN’s Productions marks its 5th anniversary, it’s a moment to reflect on the incredible achievements and milestones that have shaped its evolution.


From its humble beginnings, MOHRAN’s Productions has grown into a multifaceted powerhouse in the entertainment industry. Founded by Utkarsh K. Nemade, the company initially focused on production services but soon expanded its horizons to include distribution, carving out a niche for itself in the competitive market. Today, MOHRAN’s Productions offers a comprehensive suite of services, encompassing pre-production, production, post-production, and distribution for films, audio/visual content, TV, radio, and events.

At the heart of MOHRAN’s Productions lies a deep-seated passion for storytelling and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Over the past three years, the company has distributed over 20 films and 30 short films, showcasing a diverse range of voices and narratives. From indie gems to mainstream hits, MOHRAN’s Productions has championed projects that push boundaries and resonate with audiences worldwide.

One of the company’s standout achievements is its end-to-end distribution solutions, which encompass theatrical releases, digital releases, and promotional platforms for films and advertisements. By providing filmmakers with a comprehensive platform to showcase their work, MOHRAN’s Productions has become a catalyst for talent discovery and industry innovation.

Behind the success of MOHRAN’s Productions is a dedicated team of professionals who bring their expertise and creativity to every project. Led by founder Utkarsh K. Nemade, the team includes luminaries such as Kunal Mahajan, a talented cinematographer and editor; Dr. Prachetan Potadar, a visionary creative director and founder; Dr. Akshay Kamble, a stalwart in public relations; Shaun Philip, a maestro in the sound department; and Krishiv Chawla, a wizard in graphics and animation. Together, they form the backbone of MOHRAN’s Productions, driving its mission forward with passion and ingenuity.

As MOHRAN’s Productions celebrates its 5th anniversary, it stands at the precipice of even greater achievements. With a steadfast commitment to excellence and a relentless pursuit of innovation, the company is poised to redefine the boundaries of storytelling and entertainment in the years to come. As the industry evolves and new challenges emerge, MOHRAN’s Productions remains unwavering in its dedication to pushing the envelope and inspiring audiences around the world.

As we look ahead to the future, one thing is clear: the journey of MOHRAN’s Productions is far from over. With its pioneering spirit and unwavering determination, the company is destined to leave an indelible mark on the world of entertainment, inspiring generations of filmmakers and storytellers for years to come. Here’s to the next 5 years and beyond – may they be filled with creativity, innovation, and boundless success.