Mumbai, 16th May, 2023: Vice Media, once a modern media powerhouse, now grapples with financial woes and waning visibility. Influence Media is confident that by uniting their resources and strengths, they can invigorate Vice Media’s exceptional team, propelling them to unprecedented heights, revitalizing their trajectory, and reclaiming industry leadership. Influence Media Corp., a leading Mumbai-based media conglomerate, stands as Asia’s largest social media entity, owning numerous news pages and profiles across Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. The company is backed by Vanguard United Investment Consulting, a subsidiary of Tbilisi-based Vanguard Hedge Fund, which also operates in Mumbai. Vanguard Hedge Fund owner, George Kobiashvili, has sent Vice Media an official offer and post that expressed his intention to acquire Vice Media via an Instagram letter of intent, including an offer to settle the company’s outstanding debts and to stave off bankruptcy.

George, being extremely concerned upon learning of Vice Media’s financial difficulties, decided to help the company keep its door open. He believes Vice Media and other stunning organisations ought to be at the forefront of the movement to modernise conventional media outlets. This move will facilitate Vice Media to renegotiate its debt to improve its balance sheet, thus bringing in liquidity.

Influence Media Corp. aims to become the world’s largest and most influential modern media company through strategic organization and structure. They have an ambitious three-year expansion plan informed by extensive research on European and American media firms, including Vice Media. George believes that their aligned goals and values can drive mutual success for both enterprises.

George Kobiashvili, CIO and President Economist, Vanguard Hedge Fund.

Speaking about the fund raising, George Kobiashvili, Founder, Vanguard Hedge Fund, says, “The current entertainment and journalism industries’ primary strengths are companies like Vice Media. Joining forces with Vice Media Company is a smart long-term decision for Influence Media Corp. For Influence Media’s growth in the US and Europe, the work Vice Media creates and the people they hire can be very beneficial. For this reason, we have decided to send Vice Media the letter of intent for the purchase proposal. I foresee that with the aid of this acquisition, Vice Media may in a year become a $10 billion company,”

Vice Media may pay off a piece of its debt today and spend more money to encourage growth, enhance cash flow, and turn a profit with the aid of their primary investor and the resources of Influence Media.

“Many firms face this issue, in which they become mired down in corporate red tape and end up making poor decisions without thoroughly assessing their options. There’s no reason not to talk about a billionaire’s offer before making any decisions that affect thousands of employees, investors, owners, and potentially millions of subscribers or viewers! He may offer to pay off some of your debt immediately and provide you with additional funds to boost the growth and cash flow of your firm”, concludes George.