In a recent event organized by the Nisarg Srishti Welfare Foundation on March 13th, a significant effort was made to promote environmental awareness and enhance women’s well-being at PDEA’s English Medium Secondary School and Jr. College in Akurdi, Pune, Maharashtra.

Led by Founder Director Mrs. Garima Kavathekar, the session addressed critical issues such as noise pollution, plastic pollution, and women’s health. Esteemed speakers shared valuable insights and actionable solutions, sparking a wave of awareness and proactive involvement.

Kushal Khemani, an ardent environmental advocate, engaged the audience with a discussion on plastic pollution. He demonstrated practical solutions, like repurposing old T-shirts into eco-friendly cloth bags, inspiring attendees to adopt sustainable practices.

Commemorating International Women’s Day, Mrs. Sonali Deshmush, a renowned Meditation specialist and certified NLP coach, conducted a women’s wellness session. Her expertise equipped women with tools for self-care, resilience, and overall well-being, fostering a sense of empowerment and solidarity.

The event wasn’t just informative but also interactive. Competitions encouraged creativity and knowledge in environmental conservation, motivating participants to showcase innovative ideas. The concluding award ceremony recognized individuals and groups for their dedication to sustainability efforts, reinforcing the importance of collective responsibility.

Empowering Communities

Through this comprehensive initiative, the Nisarg Srishti Welfare Foundation has not only raised awareness but also empowered communities to take proactive measures for a more sustainable and inclusive future. As the inspiration resonates, the seeds of change sown during this event are poised to grow, initiating a ripple effect of positive transformation throughout society.