New Delhi, India – 18th November 2023. Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc. a leader in learning and talent experience solutions, today announced the release of its 2023 Talent Health Index: India edition, providing a comprehensive view of the state of talent programs across organizations in India. The report reveals that the majority of organizations in India are lagging in their talent development initiatives, emphasizing the crucial need for organizations to construct a comprehensive talent strategy aimed at bridging the workforce skills gap and adapting to sweeping workplace changes.

Key findings from the Talent Health Index (THI) Report: India edition include:

• Most organizations have significant room for talent program improvement: The average THI for organizations in India placed them in the ‘Administrative’ maturity level, demonstrating a mastery of the basics but a very early exploration of new innovation. At this level, talent programs are behind in automation and organizations lack a robust learning strategy.

• Organizations are slow to adopt emerging talent innovation: Only 17% of organizations say they leverage a sophisticated set of learner-centric tools to streamline talent processes and information, and more than 55% of organizations stated they are not yet leveraging AI technology to optimize their talent.

• Organizations need to take comprehensive action to master skills intelligence: Only 39% of organizations surveyed focus on identifying the current and future skilling needs, aligned with business strategy.

High-Performing Organizations are Fit for the Future Not all organizations are lagging in maturity.

The report showed that organizations that rated themselves higher in customer satisfaction, productivity, employee retention and overall performance — categorized as High-Performing Organizations (HPOs) —exhibited a notably higher score on the Talent Health Index as well. On average, HPOs landed at the Sophisticated maturity level and, specifically, exemplified higher maturity levels in these three dimensions: Learning & Development, Talent Mobility and Talent Reporting, Data and analytics.

Comments on the Research

Organizations must invest in a well-rounded, multi-faceted talent management strategy to thrive amidst evolving workplace challenges. The average Talent Health Index score in this first India edition placed organizations in the “Administrative” maturity level, suggesting there is a lot of room for improvement. Talent leaders must act urgently and adopt a whole-system approach to build a comprehensive talent development ecosystem,” said Nishchae Suri, Managing Director – India, Cornerstone. The THI India edition will serve as a guide, helping organizations in India to identify significant opportunities, chart a path to success, and develop talent programs and employee experiences that drive real business transformation.

Research Methodology

The India edition of the Talent Health Index (THI) study was carried out after the successful launch of Cornerstone’s 2023 Global Talent Health Index Report in September 2023. The India survey deployed from August 2023 to September 2023 captured responses from 127 organizations in India across most industries. Survey questions focused on the maturity level of seven critical talent program dimensions, including Culture & Technology, Skills Strategy, Learning & Development, Content Strategy, Performance Management, Talent Mobility and Talent Reporting, Data & Analytics. Based on respondents’ answers, the maturity of their organizations’ talent programs was defined in one of four overarching maturity levels: Foundational, Administrative, Sophisticated and Transformative, with each level building on the previous one. For further details, you can download the 2023 Talent Health Index: India edition, from here.