By Sachin Alug, CEO, NLB Services

In a bid to empower the budding generations, International Youth Day is observed worldwide on the 12th of August. Enhancing education and employment opportunities is one of the major concerns for countries and economies. With tech-fused roles gaining momentum, there are plenty of success avenues for the youth to excel in, provided they are well-prepared for by both businesses, policy-makers, strategists, and all stakeholders involved.

Digitization, of late, has been so rapid that being merely tech-savvy hardly cuts it anymore. Even in our everyday lives, we must understand technology to take its assistance and go about our days. Imagine being someone whom this tech revolution relies on. Today, tech professionals fuel products, industries, and economies. Underscoring the importance of digital skills, a report in 2021 suggested that India would need about nine times more tech workers by 2025 to sail through digital transformation. It was also noted that an average tech worker in the country would need to learn seven new technical skills to thrive. With a couple more years to take stock of said predictions, a few tech talent trends are too clear to miss.

Accelerated by the pandemic, technology has continued to penetrate various sectors and industries. Leaders are becoming increasingly eager to harness the full potential of tech and expand business models and product offerings. Young tech professionals are at the very frontline of this new vigor in the market infused by innovative and creative approaches to problem-solving. From IT/ITes to essentially non-tech domains such as retail, manufacturing, healthcare, education, eCommerce, BFSI and more are going bullish on tech hiring, causing the demand for tech talent to spike and the gap between demand and supply to widen further.

While it’s great news for tech students, aspirants, and professionals, it also necessitates certain steps they must take to make the most of this tech-dependent talent landscape. The age of hyper-disruption and automation makes it inevitable for the youth to upskill in various domains to protect their careers. It has been observed that digital skills turn obsolete every 2.5 years. Areas like Big Data Analytics, AI/ML, Full Stack, DevOps, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, etc. are teeming with opportunities for skilled professionals who are readily deployable. To leverage these opportunities, one must upskill constantly and tirelessly.

While mastery of niche tech skills is non-negotiable, ideal digital professionals must possess a portfolio that also encompasses a range of behavioral skills deemed mandatory for long-term success. Skills like Creative Thinking, Communication, Problem Solving, Eagerness to Learn, Adaptability, etc. are some of the must-acquire strengths to make a mark in any industry and role.