Gaurav Bhagat,

By Gaurav Bhagat, India’s 10X sales expert and founder, The Gaurav Bhagat Academy

Times are changing! Today, being smart with money is just as important as getting good grades or mastering an instrument. A recent survey by LocalCircles found a whopping 72% of Indian parents say their kids don’t quite grasp the money thing. This can lead to bad spending habits and financial stress down the road, as financial guru Gaurav Bhagat says: “Without financial know-how, kids might spend impulsively and struggle financially later on.”

But here’s the good news! You can start teaching your child about money from a young age. We’ll show you some fun and age-appropriate activities that will help your child develop a healthy money mindset, setting them up for a secure future!

Preschoolers (Ages 3-5):

● Play Money Magic: Introduce play money and let your child “shop” for pretend groceries or clothes. Guide them on identifying different denominations and discuss the concept of “paying” for items.
● Piggy Bank Power: Turn saving into a game. Decorate a piggy bank together and set small, achievable savings goals. Celebrate with a fun activity when the goal is reached.
Elementary Schoolers (Ages 6-10):
● Allowance Adventures: Implement a weekly allowance tied to age-appropriate chores. Encourage them to divide their allowance into “spend,” “save,” and “donate” categories. This teaches budgeting, delayed gratification, and charitable giving.
● Lakshya: The Goal-Setting Game: This innovative board game, created by financial guru Gaurav Bhagat, makes goal-setting a fun family activity. Lakshya incorporates a structured approach to goal planning that Bhagat has used to coach “children as young as 8 years old” achieve success.
Middle Schoolers (Ages 11-13):
● Virtual Stock Market Challenge: Several online platforms offer simulated stock market games suitable for teens. This allows them to learn about investing in a safe environment with “virtual money.”
● Real-World Shopping: When shopping together, involve your child in price comparisons and budgeting for purchases. Let them make choices within a set spending limit, fostering responsible spending habits.
Teenagers (Ages 14-18):
● Part-Time Power: Encourage a part-time job to understand the value of earned income. Discuss responsible spending habits and saving for future goals like higher education or travel.
● Financial Fitness Challenge: Set up a family challenge to track expenses, manage debt, and explore investment opportunities. This fosters open communication about finances and empowers teens to take ownership of their financial future.

Forget “luxury” – knowing how to handle money is a must these days! Don’t worry if the statistics seem scary, every financial journey starts small. By teaching your child about money, you’re giving them a superpower! They’ll be more confident, make smarter choices, and achieve their dreams way easier.