Umbergaon, Gujarat, February 04, 2025: DOMS Industries Limited (‘DOMS’), a Company focused on manufacturing and marketing a diversified product offering associated with the growing years of kids, children, and young adults, announced its Financial Results for the Q3 & 9M FY2025.


  •  RevenuefromOperationsforQ3’FY25grewby34.9%to₹501.1crascomparedto₹371.6cr in Q3’FY24.
  •  EBITDA for Q3’FY25 grew by 26.7% to ₹ 87.9 cr as compared to ₹ 69.3 cr in Q3’FY24. EBITDA margin for Q3’FY25 stood at 17.5% as compared to 18.7% in Q3’FY24.
  •  PATforQ3’FY25grewby39.8%to₹54.3crascomparedto ₹38.8crinQ3’FY24.PATmargin


  •  RevenuefromOperationsfor9M’FY25grewby23.9%to₹1,403.9crascomparedto ₹1,133.4crin9M’FY24.
  •  EBITDAfor9M’FY25grewby32.2%to₹260.2crascomparedto₹196.8crin9M’FY24.
  • EBIDTAmarginfor9M’FY25roseto18.5%ascomparedto17.4%in9M’FY24.
  •  PAT for 9M’FY25 grew by 43.9% to ₹ 162.3 cr as compared to ₹ 112.7 cr in 9M’FY24. PAT margin for 9M’FY25 rose to 11.6% as compared to 9.9% in 9M’FY24.


  •  Rewarded for Export Excellence: Awarded third time consecutively Top Exporter Award for being No. 1 Exporter for the Year 2023-24 by the Pen & Stationery Association of India, underscoring Company’s role as a frontrunner in the Indian Export market
  •  RecognizingEmployeeExcellenceandGrowingTogether:Torewardhardworkandtoretain &motivatetalent,Companyapprovedgrantof117,045stockoptionsunderEmployeeStock Option Plan 2023 to eligible employees during Q3’FY25
  •  Empowering Sustainable Future: Successful installation of 1 MW Solar Plant at Umergaon Manufacturing Facility
  •  OngoingCapacityExpansiononTrack:44+acresgreenfieldexpansioninfullswingand


  •  UniclanHealthcareacceleratingGrowthInitiatives
  •  LaunchofDOMSCo-brandedDiapers:CommerciallaunchofDOMSWowper–co- branded range of diapers by Uniclan Healthcare
  • Successful installation of third diaper production lineat the existing facility wideningcapacity to 65 crore diapers per annum
  • Mostofrequisitepre-approvalsfromauthoritiesinplaceenablingin-house

manufacturingofwetwipesbyendof Q4’FY25

 CultivatingandNurturingCreativeExcellence:AMARIZ–Company’sFineArtRange,partners withPlazaArtistAssociationattheiconicArtPlazaGallery,KalaGhoda,Mumbaitoempower emerging artist and provide them platform to showcase their work

Commenting on the results and performance, Mr. Santosh Raveshia, Managing Director, DOMS Industries Limited said:

“Despite the tepid market conditions and festive season in India as well as globally, we continued on ourconsistentgrowthtrajectoryduringQ3’FY2025.Ourstrategicinitiativeshaveplayedapivotalrole infuellingthisgrowth.ThesuccessfulacquisitionofUniclanHealthcare,whichleadourentryintoBaby Hygiene products, coupled with our timely expansion of capacities across various product categories, have all contributed positively to our quarterly performance.

Company’smanufacturingcoststructurebroadlyremainedstableinQ3FY’25,withinputpricesholding steady,resultinginconsistentgrossmarginsonasequentialbasis.ConsolidatedEBITDAforthequarter grew 26.7% Y-o-Y and 2.2% sequentially. However, there was a slight margin compression of approximately120 bps Q-o-Q which was primarily driven by increased employeeexpenses,stemming fromadditionalhiringtosupportproductioncapacityexpansionandimpactofESOPgrantstoreward employees. Furthermore, we witnessed an increase in selling and distribution expenses primarily on account of consolidation of Uniclan Healthcare. As a result of these factors, Company’s consolidated EBITDA margin stood at 17.5%, as on expected lines, but higher than our targeted range of 16-17%.

Going forward, we remain cautiously optimistic in the near term, on improvement in demand conditions with tailwinds from the upcoming back to school season, growing emphasis on education and increased Governments’ spending in this sector, contributing to the growth momentum. Our strategicprioritiesremainunchangedwithfocusondeliveringconsistentandprofitablevolumegrowth through expanding our production capacities, investing in our brands and strengthening our supply chain, positioning ourselves for sustainable long-term growth.

Lastly, I would like to appreciate the unwavering dedication and relentless efforts of our entire team and channel partners, who have worked tirelessly to drive this growth and excellence. Further, we extendourheartfeltgratitudetoourvaluedconsumersforembracingourproducts.Theirunwavering support fuelsourpassionand inspires ourteamtoinnovate, design,anddeliver high-qualityproducts to meet the evolving needs of our consumers.”