Author J. Dill’s

New York, NY, 21st June 2024- J. Dill, an author and high school English teacher from the Midwest, has completed her new book, “Monsters”: A Gripping and Captivating Glimpse into the Human Psyche that explores how one’s emotional monsters can manifest in their lives, and the best mechanisms with which one can confront them to take back control.

Every day, author J. Dill is inspired by the beauty of words and how they have the power to shape, build, and add value to human life. Her passion for teaching and learning is the same passion that drives her motivation to write. With the success of “Sheltered,” her debut novel, she continues to explore the literary world in multiple genres. Her dream is to empower others with her words and continue to live a life of love, personal growth, and creativity.

“If there’s anything I’ve learned, anything at all, it’s that monsters are real, and we break before we fall. Walk inside an anxious mind, see if you can race me to the end,” writes Dill. “Some monsters come to protect and some come only to destroy again.

“We can befriend the monsters, you, me, and We. Allow me your eyes for a moment and try your hardest not to flee.

“We remember together. We run together. We teach Death that She’s never been welcome inside the time She has stolen. Me, We, Pain, Pound, and Rayne. Ardavana blankets us all. She whispered to me that she’s glad you came.

“Monsters are real. And I am tired of running from them. If I am afraid, then there’s reason to fear. But come inside and look at them long enough, discover which face you might find in the mirror.”

Published by Page Publishing, J. Dill’s enthralling tale invites readers to peer into the darkness, to confront their fears head-on, and discover the profound strength that lies within vulnerability. Through her incredible gift of prose, Dill hopes that readers will find the courage to love themselves creatively, to look back on past monsters and regrets, and see how the dark times carried them to the present and onto a future of hope.

Readers who wish to experience this uplifting work can purchase “Monsters” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.